Silhouette giveaway!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, February 21, 2011


For the third year in a row we went to the Shriner's circus here in Roanoke. The first year was just 24 hours before Porter was born and I was contracting uncomfortably the whole time and could barely make it up the steep stairs because I couldn't see where I was going (big belly in the way). Although they change the show up a bit every year, we await each time in eager anticipation for some of the same characters to crack us up. For example, every year there is tons of dancing in between acts by girls with no rhythm. I'm pretty sure our highschool flag team could do a much better job than these people. And our favorite act is where the little dog is dressed up like an elephant wind up toy. Unfortunately this year, we are sad to report that they replaced the manly tiger trainer dancing to 80's music. His all leather outfit and long bleach blond hair were sorely missed. This year Porter was pretty tired and actually fell asleep half way through the show. This is quite a feat considering the music was cranked up to deafening levels. Both kids were sad that they couldn't have glow toys. Despite all the crying Bryan and I managed to enjoy ourselves. A super extra, two out of the three years we didn't have to buy tickets because Bryan won them on the radio!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thrifty finds

If you know anything about me it should be this. I love a good deal. In fact, most things in my house are second hand or free. Umm, no that does not mean that there are holes in our furniture or we are wearing outdated clothes with huge shoulder pads and stone wash denim(although maybe that's in fashion now? I did see a kid in stone wash purple jeans last year...) So here are some thrifty finds I found at Goodwill yesterday.This is a J. Crew cardigan 100%lamb wool in perfect condition. And a soft linen/silk scarf.

This is a stretch courdroy jacket from Old Navy
The grand total $6.50. Do you know how much J. Crew is in real life? yikes! not for me :)