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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

So, I don't really feel that there is anything very exciting to write about-I'm just writing for the sake of updating the blog so I don't look so lame-o. Since I've last updated the blog many things have happened here's a list:
Bryan lost his job (the week the baby was born-talk about rotten timing)
I got a YMCA membership
We move out of our loved apartment into a friends house
I went to Las Cruces at the end of May
Bryan got a new job
Got a new calling as cubscout leader
Becky got married!
Little princess turned 3 years old in July
I spend a total of 2 months in New Mexico
Beginning of August I'm home and we got a new apartment
OH wow, I need to blog more often. However, to leave out all the drab details this is the story. It turns out Bryan losing his job was one of the best things that has happened to this family. I am more than glad to say good riddance to that life sucking job of Public Accounting. Now I have a happy husband that I actually get to spend time with. He loves his job working for a small business consulting/accounting firm where he gets to sell and manage new accounts. He is happy to use his expertise to help others and also to sell/communicate with lots of people (his speciality). I spent a long time in New Mexico this summer in order to help out for Becky's wedding and to see the family. Although I missed Bryan, I can honestly say that two months was not enough. I love my friends and family and it made me realize more than ever that I am happiest when I am in the desert. I knew that I was almost home when on my last flight I heard some one say 'Aye chihuahua!'. You just don't hear that in the south :). I am feeling particularly nostalgic, so I think I'll dedicate an entire post to just NM later on. So my little girl turned 3 years old this summer. I can't believe it. I feel so old, or maybe I was just really young then..She has grown tremendously. She has a very sweet personality mixed with alot of attitude and determination. She has an inate sense of compassion that is amazing. I'm grateful for the divine gift that she is in our lives. Porter can now roll and scoot and nearly crawl. He is the happiest baby you will ever meet, and also one of the largest. He just keeps growing and growing. When little princess potty trained this summer at 3 years of age she wore a size 3 diaper, at 6 months of age Porter wears size 4. He will probably catch up with her in weight within the next month and has already out grown his infant carseat. Life is so full of unexpected things!

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